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Our skin. 

We wash it, lotion it, and cover it. 

However, if we are not careful, our skin can become as sick as we can. 


In this article, we will discuss ten of the common skin diseases in adults, their symptoms, and what, if anything, we can do about them. 

Use your melon and avoid Melanoma. When it comes to our skin, Melanoma is deadly. 
a.    A long period of exposure to the sun is the leading factor behind this murderous skin cancer.  
b.    On top of the sun, another factor for this external killer is having pale skin that does not tan and can easily burn from exposure to the sun. 
c.    The older you get, the more susceptible you become to this outer monster.
d.    History does repeat itself when it comes to this appearance destroyer. If you or a family member has had it, then it can come back around to haunt you again. 
e.    This threat is found primarily in Caucasian people due to the abundant supply of Melanin that resides in their skin. 
f.    The Melanin is what gives skin its pigment. 
g.    Melanoma is the leading cause of death from skin cancer. 
h.    Surgical removal or chemotherapy of the Melanoma is two of the ways to fight against this biological menace. 


2.    ROSACEA:
Roses may be red, but this rose you want nothing to do with. Rosacea causes the person to have a red appearance to their skin. But wait, there’s more. 
a.    It can cause the skin to appear flushed and show visible blood vessels.
b.    If it is in your eyes, it can cause your eyelids to swell and can cause redness and irritation within the eye. 
c.    Rosacea also causes the appearance of breakouts that appear like acne. 
d.    Bumpy appearance to your skin as well as its thickening is also, what Rosacea can do.
e.    While there is nothing you can currently do to prevent or cure yourself from Rosacea, you can still treat the symptoms so that Rosacea so you can keep an eye on it. 

Psoriasis is a skin disease that gives the skin an irritated red look that appears snake-like. 
a.    It causes your skin to have patches of thick red skin.
b.    Inside the red looking skin lie pockets of pus.
c.    Psoriasis can cover large parts of your body with the appearance of a severe burn.
d.    With all it can do, Psoriasis can also hide in the folds of your skin, face, elbows, torso, and legs.  
e.    No current cure for Psoriasis but you can treat the symptoms. 


4.    ECZEMA:
The skin cracker. Surprisingly, Eczema affects a large portion of Americans one way or another. 
a.    If you are allergic to anything, or use a harsh detergent, you may get eczema.
b.    While covering most of the body, eczema can be found on the back of the neck and can be visibly seen on the elbows, neck, and face.
c.    Before they release the pus within them, eczema usually bubbles up. 
d.    You will cause the eczema to become further irritated if you constantly scratch at it. 
e.    Even though there is no cure, over time, it will disappear. 


Touchdown. I betcha did not see this one coming. An everyday pain in the foot. Literally.
a.    Athlete’s foot is a fungus.
b.    This fungus spreads fast when started in a warm damp environment. 
c.    It gives you dry and itchy skin.
d.    Soreness accompanies the dry itchy skin.
e.    Can be cured with medicated creams and properly taking care of our feet.


Deep within the layers of your skin lies a bacterial infection waiting for the opportunity to spread throughout your body like a wildfire in a high wind. It is Cellulitis.
a.    Do not touch this: Cellulitis is tender.
b.    Call the Fire Department: Cellulitis burns.
c.    Who knocked you out? Cellulitis gives a red and swollen appearance. 
d.    Thankfully, Cellulitis can be treated with antibiotics. 


7.    COLD SORE:
Sneaky little bugger. 
a.    A virus that after it enters you, can remain in you causes cold sores and for the most part, you will not even know it is there. 
b.    There is no telling about cold sores. Someone may have one and that is it, while someone else may have several a year, while someone else may have the virus, yet not have a single outbreak. 
c.    Catch me if you can: This virus can be spread by mere contact. 
d.    Most episodes of cold sore outbreaks clear within a month of outbreak. 


8.    WARTS:
Rough little suckers. Warts appear as a cauliflower-like rough spot and can appear anywhere on the body.
a.    Some grow on the foot.
b.    Some grow on the palms.
c.    Some even grow “downstairs”.
d.    Some grow on parts of your body that are exposed to the sun’s rays.
e.    If they bleed easily, hurt, or change appearance, you should contact your doctor quickly.
f.    Most warts clear up without medication. 


9.    AGE SPOTS:
You really are showing your age. 
a.    As the years progress, the sun’s exposure forms age spots.
b.    Ugly little inconveniences. While they cause no major or even minor heath issues, many sufferers of age spots would rather not see them let alone have others notice them.
c.    While a variety of different treatments can be offered, they simply are not necessary.



10.    SHINGLES:
Chicken Pox part 2: Back With A Vengeance. 
a.    If you had the chicken pox, this virus is inside your central nervous system waiting for you to be too old to fight against it. (around 50+ years old)
b.    Like a cold sore, some do not even get the outbreak. 
c.    Shingles appear in sections called bands.
d.    These bands cause specific bodily lesions and not complete bodily rashes
e.    It’s possible after you have it to have it more than once
f.    You can ease the symptoms; however, you cannot stop it. 
There are dozens more. These are just ten of the ones that are commonly known. With so much out there that can harm our skin and make our lives difficult, is it a wonder why we should better take care of our skin?


We have all heard people tell us to “detox” our bodies.


Hearing such advice, many of us dismiss the notion, never to pick it up again.


That is until the next person tells us to “detox” our bodies.


But what does all this talk about “detoxifying” our bodies mean and why is it so important for us to do it?


In this article, we will discover the answer together.


In the previous article, WANT TO KEEP YOUR INSIDES CLEAN?

TEAS, PLEASE, I discussed the teas that we can drink that will help us detoxify our bodies.


After this article, I hope we can live happier and healthier lives as we treat the insides of our bodies as well as we do the outsides.




  • DIGESTION PERFECTION:  Well, not quite. However, with a detox routine, your metabolism will be restored and you will be able to digest what you eat more proficiently.


  • POWER ON: The detoxifying of our bodies allow all the junk that still rests in our bodies to be released and with it all the sluggish feelings that are associated with the junk.


  • GARBAGE OUT: In speaking of the junk that remains in the body after digestion, a good detox routine will help you get rid of it so it does not cause any unwanted consequences.


  • JUNK ATTACK: Those unwanted consequences, what are they, you ask? A good detoxifying of your body allows you to skate past things like high blood pressure and other chronic illnesses.


  • BLOAT BE GONE: Days after you start a detox routine, and as the junk in your body is released, you will experience improved bowel functions and built up gas and bloating will be a thing of the past.


  • FAT BURNER: Your body has a natural ability to burn the fat it receives from the foods you eat. However, with the junk coming with it, this ability is no longer functioning at its peak. Introduce a daily detox routine to help your body not add to its issues and add to your weight.


  • IN WITH THE GOOD: The nutrients and minerals that the body needs are taken out of that food. With all the junk that is packed in our foods, the body cannot properly deal with the nutrients and minerals. The body cannot use what it does not process. A daily detox routine will help the body deal with this issue.


  • GIVE YOUR STOMACH A BREAK: It is amazing what the stomach has to do. Your stomach makes the acid that is responsible for the break down of your food as well as gets rid of what it does not need. Overload your stomach with junk and you will soon find yourself with stomach problems. A daily detox routine can help you here too. Not only is a liquid detox (like the teas from the previous article) easier to digest, its also a great way to detoxify the body while giving your stomach a chance to rest.


  • DETOX IS THE BEST MEDICINE: When you add detox to your regular routine, you decrease the need for the medications you take for diet related issues.


  • YOUR SKIN IS GLOWING: Detoxifying your insides has benefits for your outsides as well. By detoxing your innards, your skin will have a radiance about it and your acne and blemishes will disappear.


  • A SLIVER OF INFO ABOUT YOUR LIVER: The headquarters of detoxifying the body. Your liver is the mainstay of detox for your body. However, the more junk you throw at it, the harder it is for your liver to keep up. Give your liver a break and detox.


  • UPSTAIRS LOOKING GOOD: According to those who maintain a detox routine, they say that their thinking is less cluttered and maintain more focus.


  • AGE SLOWER: The junk we engulf comes back to haunt us by shortening our lives. Cholesterol and Heart Disease are just two real threats to long life. In order to combat this threat to your life, detoxify your body and lengthen your days.


  • WE NEED BACKUP: By detoxifying our body, we get rid of the junk that hinders our immune system from battling disease and sickness. Help the fight by adding a detox routine.


  • MANE CONCERN: In addition to all the outside benefits of detox listed in this article, your hair will be shiny and full of life once you get rid of the junk we eat.


  • ZZZZZ: A regular detox routine also improves your quality of sleep. This effect is when the body and mind become quitter due to the expelling of the junk from our foods through our detoxing regularly.


  • P-U: With all the junk we eat, its no wonder why we have gas and bloating. The built up gases can show up in our breath thus making us less appealing to those around us. Did you know that detoxifying your body will get rid of those gases? Detoxify your body and take care of this issue.


After reading this article, I hope you understand the need for detoxifying your body on a regular basis.


With all the benefits that detoxifying your body can give you, there is only one question to ask:



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The body goes through a terrible amount of havoc during our daily lives.


Every day we seem to be in a rush to go from one thing to the next.


Within the “daily grind”, we quickly engulf something in those precious few moments we find during our day only to return to our hectic lifestyle.


We become so entrenched in our living that we fail to see we are in fact slowly dying.


The foods we invite within us during these times bring toxins that cause bloating, indigestion, along with a host of other health problems.


What can we do about this unseen threat to our health?

In this article, we will find several liquid options to cleanse our bodies from these toxins.


  1. Burdock Tea: This tea is quite possibly the least known of all the teas on this list. Known to support the liver in detoxifying your blood, Burdock tea uses your urine stream, your sweat, your breathing, even your stool to get rid of the toxins you ingest. Detoxify yourself.


  1.  Milk Thistle Tea: Another tea that helps your liver detoxify the body, Milk Thistle Tea also is great for your digestive system. This added benefit gives your liver a break as it allows the digestive system get rid of the toxins you allow into your body. This tea has also been used for protecting healthy cells in your body for decades. It does a body good.



  1. Fenugreek Tea: While not well known in America, this tea helps your digestive tract in its battle against indigestion and bloating. Not only that, but Fenugreek Tea also lowers blood pressure, and supports your liver. This tea also slows the rate of sugar that goes into your blood stream. Are you feeling gassy? Bottom’s up.


  1.  Cayenne Pepper Tea: This tea not only cleans out your insides, but also boosts your energy, helps regulate your blood sugar, and helps your digestion. Cayenne Pepper Tea releases the toxins that are in you through your spit and mucus so watch out for runny noses. Fending off a cold during flu season is another added benefit of this tea. Are you getting sick? Don’t forget this tea.


  1. Red Clover Tea: Red Clover Tea is another tea that helps your liver and blood by removing the toxins that are found inside. Another benefit of this tea is that it helps clear the phlegm found in your lungs. Here’s to your health.


  1. Cilantro Tea: Releasing your toxins through urine and stool, Cilantro Tea also removes heavy metals that hide out in your body after you eat. Cilantro Tea contains compounds that stand against arthritis and removes chemicals that are harmful in your body. Consider adding this to your health conscious diet.


  1. Dandelion Tea: While raising the amount of chemicals in the body responsible for helping detoxifying the body, Dandelion Tea supports the liver, improves the gallbladder and helps get rid of toxins through your urine. It is also a great remedy for constipation. Dandelion Tea is also known for preventing gall and kidney stones from forming. The final benefit of Dandelion Tea is that it prevents the growth of bacteria on your skin. Add this to your routine and your body will thank you for it.


  1. Chicory Tea: Coffee lovers, rejoice. Chicory Tea, according to those that drink it, tastes like coffee. It helps get rid of toxins through your digestive track by raising the level of gastric juices in your body. In addition, it helps fight liver dysfunction, helps fend off gallbladder disorders, even good against jaundice. Do you suffer from anemia? This is the drink you need.  For best results, drink this every day.


  1. Ginger Tea: Ginger Tea is made from one of the world’s best-known herbs. This tea also has a compound for battling ulcers.  Improved circulation, fueled up digestive system and the release of toxins through your sweat glands are what you can expect when making this part of your daily detoxifying routine. 


  1. Garlic Tea: Are you looking to lose some weight? Then look no further. Garlic Tea helps eliminate excess fat as it helps you win the battle of the Bulge. As with its main ingredient (garlic,) it aids in keeping your ticker ticking and it helps you with your bad cholesterol. Vampires, beware.


Do you feel sluggish? Constipated? Bloated? Or do you just want to make sure that your inner self is as tiptop as your outside self is? Drink any of the teas listed above regularly and start living healthier than you are now.

You may know that an increase of LDL cholesterol is a leading cause of heart disease.


However, what you may not know is, that an elevated level in your triglycerides is also a leading cause of heart disease.


In fact, according to the Archives of Internal Medicine, an article written by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 1/3 of all Americans suffer from high triglycerides.


Apart from the dangers of heart disease, the list below covers other health risks you may have due to an elevated triglyceride level.


  • Pancreatitis- Your pancreas is responsible for making the juices that aid in the dissolving of the foods you eat. Also, it is responsible for the creation of Insulin. The enzyme that controls blood sugar. Pancreatitis is where the enzymes in the pancreas start to devour the inside of your pancreas, causing extreme stomach pain. If the juices in the pancreas ever got out, the results could be life-threatening.


  • Type-2 Diabetes- As your triglyceride levels rise, so does the chance you will develop Type-2 Diabetes.


  • Stroke- Damage to your brain is directly linked to the decrease in the blood supply. The more your arteries are clogged by plaque caused by high triglycerides, the less blood is being supplied to the brain, thus a stroke occurs.


  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease- Is linked with high triglycerides as fat is accumulated in the liver. Also, liver failure is linked to your high triglyceride levels as well.


  • Peripheral Artery Disease- PAD is caused by having to much fat to accumulate in the arteries that allow blood to flow to your legs.


  • Dementia- Or more commonly considered loss brain function, is caused by damaged blood vessels in your brain. Toxins, such as the toxic protein, Amyloid, then builds up in the brain causing this disease.


Thankfully, your triglyceride level does not have to be the death of you.


There are a number of medications out there that can help you lower your triglycerides. Below is a list of 3 of them:


  • Fibrates- Such as Fenofibrate, raise the good cholesterol (HDL), and may even reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL), this goes especially for the people with high triglycerides.


  • High Levels of Niacin (Vitamin B3)- this decreases your high triglyceride levels 40%, if taken 1500 mg or more per day. Niacin also raises your HDL levels up 40%, and has been shown to have a significant impact in reducing your LDL levels.


  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Depending on the level of Omega-3, (higher than 4 g per day), you can lower your high triglyceride count.


So, keep your triglyceride levels in check, as well as your cholesterol levels, and your body will thank you for it.


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